Our service offers comprehensive assistance in establishing a startup in the Canary Islands. 

We provide expert advice and support at all stages of the incorporation, development and start-up process, ensuring that all legal and bureaucratic requirements are completed correctly. 

We create the conditions of Business development:

  • Feasibility plan;

  • Supplier search;

  • Local search;

  • Personnel Search;

  • Permits and authorizations;

  • Possible facilities and funding

  • Membership search;

  • Marketing and advertising;

  • Social networks and the Web;

  • All services and consulting in subjects, legal, business, administrative, accounting and tax;

  • Etc.


 An Italian entrepreneur can choose different ways to operate a business in the Canary Islands:


  • Company under Spanish law
    with its own legal personality
  • Sociedad anónima (S.A.)
  • Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (S.L.)
  • Physique Person
  • Development of business or professional activity directly by the individual.
  • Branch office
  • Entities that do not have their own legal personality, so their activity and legal responsibility will always be directly related to the parent company of the foreign entrepreneur. 
  • They are registered in the Mercantile Registry.
  • Joint-Venture
  • Associations with other entrepreneurs already established in Spain.
  • Several forms of Joint-Venture can be distinguished in the Spanish legal system.
  • The most important ones are:
  • Temporary Union of Enterprises (U.T.E.)
  • Economic interest group (A.I.E.)


  • The main corporations in Spain are the Joint Stock Company (SA) with minimum capital of €60,000 and the Limited Company (SL) with minimum capital of €3,000.
  • SLs and SUs enjoy limited liability, are 100% Spanish law qlike any Spanish company and whatever your nationality or where you are resident.
  • Corporations can also be single-member.
  • A fiscal representative is not needed.
  • You need the N.I.E. (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros) which is essential to perform any act in Spain.
  • Capital, upon incorporation, in SLs must be fully paid up while in SAs only 25% can be paid up.
  • A company director is required to pay contributions as a self-employed person (Seguridad Social).
  • The administrator may also be a nonresident.
  • But if the company is to register with the ZEC consortium, at least one of the directors must be a resident.
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